This is an updated version of a blog post I wrote during my time at LaunchNotes.

This advice is primarily applicable to B2B SaaS startups.**

A while back I hosted an AMA for the Launch Awesome community with Ramli John, the author of "Product-led Onboarding". It was a fantastic opportunity for our community members to get direct insights from Ramli on his book and learn more about product-led onboarding best practices.

You can listen to the full episode now on Apple Podcasts and Spotify or watch below.

Below is my onboarding guide that’s pretty heavily based on Ramli’s book.

Onboarding is the Crux of the Product-led Growth Strategy

🌶️ Hot take alert: onboarding is the foundation upon which all growth sits.

The difference between a well and poorly onboarded prospect is massive.

Poorly onboarded customers/prospects:

Well onboarded customers: